Karen's Fabric Obsession

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Afternoon Tea

On Saturday, I attended an Afternoon Tea with my mom and sister hosted by the Angels Over Sandpoint who handle fundraising events to support their causes.   We sat at a table of eight with approximately 125 attendees.
They served us yummy Angel Scones (Cranberry w/white chocolate) with lemon curd, mimosas, and an assortment of hot tea all served on china. Each table at the event was decorated with various china patterns.  It was very pretty.
Tea sandwiches followed, and topped off with an array of bit size desserts.
All in all.....it was a great time with my mom and sister!  A fun way to celebrate Mother's Day.
Of course, there is always some goofing off when we all get together.  Katie stopped by for a short while, and had to give her Grandma a bad time about her newly purchased (butt-ugly) butterfly hat. (I can't believe she spent money on the thing, but the proceeds went to Angels Over Sandpoint).
...and its always so beautiful in Sandpoint!  This view is priceless and its what we get to experience each time we look out the window at my mothers.

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