Karen's Fabric Obsession

Friday, May 20, 2011


Sew, while at the Quilt Market I found a pattern that has my name ALL OVER IT!  For those of you who do not know me, I have an obsession (yes, with fabric, but...) with nutcrackers!  I've been collecting nutcrackers for 30 years. 

Anyway, while strolling down the various isles at the market, I came across Amy Bradley's booth and she had a new quilt displayed: "Merry Christmas".  Its to die for!!  There are nine different characters (i.e. Mr. & Mrs. Clause, reindeer, snowman, etc.) you can place into your quilt blocks.   Your finished quilt can contain all nine characters, or you can choose just one!   

This is a picture of Amy's finished nutcracker quilt which INSTANTLY got my attention.
Needless to say, I quickly absconded purchased a pattern, and when I returned home, I quickly started my own nutcracker quilt.  
 This is a work in progress....but I am so excited to get it finished.  There will be a Show & Tell later!


  1. Ooh, that is going to be beautiful!

  2. Karen - this is YOU!!! Make it!

  3. Mom, Im concerned. I am beginning to believe your a crazy cat lady who collects nuttcrackers. This is not good. Get out of the basement and get some fresh air and a stiff drink!!!!! :)

  4. BAHAHAHAHA!! Good one Sis! I was going to say, you're showing your age! ; )

  5. OHHH Karen, I adore Amy...and this pattern is over the top exciting...I will certainly be following you...and to note that I will place you on the blog roll at stash...can't wait to see yours..
