Karen's Fabric Obsession

Friday, January 13, 2012


I have been racking my brain trying to find patterns for Jelly Rolls/Rolie Polies.   I have several on hand at www.myfabricobsession.com, and I want to share ideas and inspire others who have not yet used pre-cut fabrics.   I want to spread some inspiration!

Jelly Rolls/Rolie Polies are a great way to make a fast, fun, and easy strip quilt. Even beginners can whip out a quilt easily.  

I was able to find several (free) patterns.   There were some that caught my eye at Moda Bake Shop:  http://www.modabakeshop.com

30's Barnraising


And, there are also several to be found at Riley Blake: http://www.rileyblakedesigns.com/quilting_projects

Personally, I have always been drawn to Irish Chains using Jelly Rolls.

What inspires you to use pre-cut fabrics?  Is there a pattern you like to use with Jelly Rolls/Rolie Polies?   Or, what your favorite type of pre-cut fabric?   Just need a little inspiration please!

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