Karen's Fabric Obsession

Monday, June 18, 2012


In April, my mother came to visit and bought me a "to-do project".  She wanted to update her bar stool covers. It was time for a change and the (faded) gingham needed to go!  She purchased two yards new fabric, and told me to take my time as she was in no hurry for the new covers.   
Good thing, because it took me two months to get them done.  I disassembled the old cushion covers and utilized the pieces to make a pattern out of freezer paper.
I mirrored and duplicated each piece, and reconstructed a new cushion cover.
Once I got the material cut, I was able to whip them up in no time.
While I don't have a bar stool to show off the finished project, you can get the picture.  I hope Mom likes them!

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