Karen's Fabric Obsession

Monday, September 17, 2012


About a month ago, a friend introduced me to the video:  Eat, Sick, and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross.
I was tired of fighting the ongoing belly budge and my weight escalated out of control when I was limited to using those dad-gum crutches.

I was immediately intrigued with a diet consisting of solely fruits and vegetables, and if those people in the video could do it, so could I!  We already had a Breville Juicer, so I pledged to try juicing for a full ten days to cleanse my body and to get myself moving forward towards weight loss.  Since my hubby also has a few pounds to lose and he wanted to be supportive, he joined in on my new eating crusade.
Green Juice
Day 1:  Labor Day, September 3rd.   No more coffee. No more soda. No more sugar.  No more fat.  I juiced breakfast, lunch and dinner.  The first day I was tired, lethargic, and had a massive headache.  My husband indicated he was feeling fine, and perhaps, I had a case of the flu.  I ended up going to bed that first day at 6 p.m. and only woke to my alarm blaring at 5:45 a.m. the next morning. 

Day 2:  While I did not feel tired or lethargic any longer, I still had a headache and I broke down and took two Advil when I arrived at work.  Otherwise, it was going to be a very long day.  I again juiced my breakfast, lunch and dinner.   When I arrived home from work, I found my hubby in bed as he was not feeling well.  That confirmed it.....we were detoxing.  We both had felt like crap, but we were told it only takes a few days for the cleansing process and to starting feeling better.

Day 3:  Much better!  Now, I had my favorite juice recipes, and this new lifestyle was going to be a kick in the pants!  Well, at least for me.  My hubby lasted one more day and threw in the hat.  While he no longer juiced (he could not stomach the taste of my juice concoctions), he strictly ate raw fruits and vegetables for the next week to be supportive.

Day 4-10:  I did not miss a beat.  I did not miss my morning coffee.  I did not have any particular cravings.  I did, however, just want to chew something every now and then, so I would have a handful of carrots or an apple each afternoon or evening for "dessert".   But in the end, I lost a total of 10 pounds in 10 days, and I feel great. So much so, that I am continuing on with juicing for breakfast and lunch, and I am going to have a sensible dinner each evening on my continued quest to my weight loss.  I would like to drop another 5 pounds to be at a comfortable weight....for me!! 

I purchased most of our fruits and vegetables from Costco, and I had a friend who was kind enough to let me rummage through her garden every few days.   It is not a cheap lifestyle, as you really go through the produce.

While the first two days on this cleansing diet scared me a little, I plunged forward and took each day as it came.  Today, I feel real good and I am excited to continue onward and conquer the battle of the budge!

Here are my favorite recipes: 

Breakfast Smoothie:  Juice 2 oranges, 2 apples and 1/2 pineapple and then blend it (in a blender) with 1 frozen banana.  YUM!!!

Green Juice:   Large handful of spinach, 1 cucumber, 1 small zucchini, 1/4 lemon, 6-8 mint leaves (this was the key ingredient for taste), 2 carrots, and 2 apples.  While it did not look too appetizing, it tastes pretty good!

Yam O'Jamma:   1 sweet potato, 1/2 pineapple, 6 carrots 

I'll keep you updated!!

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