Karen's Fabric Obsession

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

QUILT MARKET: The Market Itself

It was three days of intense walking, exploring, brain storming, and shopping.

2012 Fall Quilt Market:  Schoolhouse plus Sample SpreeFriday night we participated in the Sample Spree. Hundreds of people line up outside a large conference room waiting for the clock to strike 8, and then making a mad dash to their favorite vendors to snatch up the latest merchandise.   Its a frenzy where the weak, shy and pregnant should avoid!  

Linda and I had a game plan.  Immediately upon entering the exhibit hall, we were to make a bee-line to the Moda table (each taking one half) and grab two of whatever caught our eye, and then we were going to venture to the Riley Blake booth, Henry Glass booth and all the other fabric distributors.  

All in all, I was successful in pushing, shoving, tripping, punching grabbing most of the fabric lines I originally wanted (excluding a few).  We left the convention center with a large bag of loot which later helped us in choosing what blots of fabrics we were going to purchase the next day.
I saw this button on another blog and had to borrow it...as "I survived Sample Spree!".

Saturday morning, we arrived at the George R. Brown Convention Center with a premeditated agenda.   Find new patterns and kit ideas.
Here are just a few photos of the booths some of my favorite booths and displays.
Riley Blake's:  Lori Holt - Bee in My Bonnet
Fig Tree Quilts at the Pacific International Quilt Festival.
Fig Tree by Moda
Glamping by Moda
Riley Blake:  Prairie Rose
Moda's:  Kansas Troubles
Moda's:  Primitive Gatherings
I purchased several patterns, and got a lot of ideas for quilt kits.  Now, the next day I needed to buy fabric.

If there was any part of the weekend that was a disappointment is was only that Linda and I missed our ritual dinner of sushi.  I guess this means we will have to eat it twice on our next visit.

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