Karen's Fabric Obsession

Friday, April 5, 2013


Look what arrived yesterday!  Bolts of Kansas Trouble's new line:  Pheasant Hill!  I'm SO excited.  I am a Kansas Trouble Groupie.  I absolutely love everything Lynne Hagmeire designs.  I believe we could be BFF's!  Not in a creepy way, but at least quilting buddies.

I already have a few ideas for this spun treasure.  Next week, I am getting together for a little "Family Quilting Bee".   Cousin Linda and I are meeting at a half-way spot (in between her home and mine) for some serious sewing time. We rented a large hotel room, bringing our tools of trade, food and drink to keep us energized and hunkering in for a few days of sewing (and, of course, bonding).  I've been contemplating on what project to work on (as I have a few unfinished projects), but I might dive into making a new quilt out of this Pheasant Hill fabric.  So many ideas.  So many choices. (Stay tuned to see what creations we complete)!   

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