Karen's Fabric Obsession

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

13 Weeks!

I had a revelation today!  It doesn't matter how you look at it!  There are only 13 weeks left until Christmas.  That's right, Christmas!  GASP!  I know....your saying it's too early to start thinking about the holidays.  But, every  day counts!  Each year, I have a goal to try and make something special for everyone on my Christmas list, and every year I have fallen short.  This year I hope to successfully complete my quest!

Project #1:  This past weekend, I started cutting different fabrics into 2" strips. I sewed them together in rows of three, and then cut them into 5x5 blocks.
I ended up with 196 blocks!  38 blocks short AND I ran out of the fabric line (Sweetwater's Pure).  Sew, I will have to dig into my scrap basket and see what some of my quilting friends have in their stash.  Am I worried?  No. I will figure out something.
In the meantime, I already have something in mind for this Layer Cake of Antique Fair.   This will be Project #2! 

My gift list is growing, so I have to get sewing.  Let the countdown begin!

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