Karen's Fabric Obsession

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Garden Promises

My garden is finally starting to take off and produce.   This years growing season is slower than normal, but I should be able to have some fresh produce in the near future.

We've been eating the lettuce for a few weeks now.  Lots of Romaine and Leaf lettuce for salads.

I lost a lot of my onions, but a few look like they are going to survive to harvest in a few weeks.

The jalapenos and bell peppers are growing and getting larger.

The green beans are going up the trellis and starting to flower.

I have clusters of cherry tomatoes needing to turn red.

And, if the hot weather continues, we might be able to enjoy a mini watermelon or two.
Surprisingly, my zucchini plant never made it.  So, if you have extra zucchini you want to give away, please give me a call!

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